Source code for cbcbeat.utils

"""This module provides various utilities for internal use."""

__author__ = "Marie E. Rognes (, 2012--2013"

__all__ = ["state_space", "end_of_time", "convergence_rate",

import math
from cbcbeat.dolfinimport import dolfin, dolfin_adjoint
if dolfin_adjoint:
    from dolfin_adjoint import assemble, LUSolver, KrylovSolver
    from dolfin import parameters
    from dolfin import assemble, LUSolver, KrylovSolver, parameters

def annotate_kwargs(ba_parameters):
    if not dolfin_adjoint:
        return {}
    if not ba_parameters["enable_adjoint"]:
        return {"annotate": False}
    if parameters["adjoint"]["stop_annotating"]:
        return {"annotate": False}

    return {"annotate": True}

def splat(vs, dim):

    if vs.function_space().ufl_element().num_sub_elements()==dim:
        v = vs[0]
        if dim == 2:
            s = vs[1]
            s = dolfin.as_vector([vs[i] for i in range(1, dim)])
        v, s = dolfin.split(vs)

    return v, s

[docs]def state_space(domain, d, family=None, k=1): """Return function space for the state variables. *Arguments* domain (:py:class:`dolfin.Mesh`) The computational domain d (int) The number of states family (string, optional) The finite element family, defaults to "CG" if None is given. k (int, optional) The finite element degree, defaults to 1 *Returns* a function space (:py:class:`dolfin.FunctionSpace`) """ if family is None: family = "CG" if d > 1: S = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(domain, family, k, d) else: S = dolfin.FunctionSpace(domain, family, k) return S
[docs]def end_of_time(T, t0, t1, dt): """ Return True if the interval (t0, t1) is the last before the end time T, otherwise False. """ return (t1 + dt) > (T + dolfin.DOLFIN_EPS)
class TimeStepper: """ A helper object that keep track of simulated time """ def __init__(self, interval, dt, annotate=False): """ *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval for the solve given by (t0, t1) dt (:py:class:`int or :py:class:`list` of py:class:`tuples` of py:class:`float`) The timestep for the solve. A list of tuples of floats can also be passed. Each tuple should contain two floats where the first includes the start time and the second the dt. annotate (:py:class:`bool) If enabling dolfin_adjoint timestep annotation """ self.annotate = annotate if not isinstance(interval, (tuple, list)) or len(interval) != 2 or \ not all(isinstance(value, (float, int)) for value in interval): raise TypeError("expected tuple or list of size 2 with scalars for "\ "the interval argument") if interval[0] >= interval[1]: raise ValueError("Start time need to be larger than stop time: "\ "interval[0] < interval[1]") # Store time interval (self.T0, self.T1) = interval if not isinstance(dt, (float, int, list)): raise TypeError("expected float or list of tuples for dt argument") if isinstance(dt, (float, int)): dt = [(self.T0, dt)] # Check that all dt are tuples of size 2 with either floats or ints. if any((not isinstance(item, tuple) or \ len(item)!=2 or not all(isinstance(value, (float, int)) \ for value in item)) for item in dt): raise TypeError("expected list of tuples of size 2 with scalars for "\ "the dt argument") # Check that first time value of dt is the same as the first given in interval if dt[0][0] != self.T0: raise ValueError("expected first time value of dt to be the same as "\ "the first value of time interval.") # Check that all time values given in dt are increasing if not all(dt[i][0] < dt[i+1][0] for i in range(len(dt)-1)): raise ValueError("expected all time values in dt to be increasing") # Check that all time step values given in dt are positive if not all(dt[i][1] > 0 for i in range(len(dt))): raise ValueError("expected all time step values in dt to be positive") # Store dt self._dt = dt # Add a dummy dt including stop interval time if self._dt[-1][0] < self.T1: self._dt.append((self.T1, self._dt[-1][1])) # Keep track of dt index self._dt_ind = 0 self.t0 = self.T0 #self.t1 = self.T0 + self.dt # Step through time steps until at end time. if self.annotate and dolfin_adjoint: dolfin_adjoint.adj_start_timestep(self.T0) def __iter__(self): """ Return an iterator over time intervals """ eps = 1e-10 while True: # Get next t1 t1 = self.next_t1() # Yield time interval yield self.t0, t1 # Break if this is the last step if abs(t1-self.T1) < eps: if self.annotate and dolfin_adjoint: dolfin_adjoint.adj_inc_timestep(time=t1, finished=True) break # Move to next time if self.annotate and dolfin_adjoint: dolfin_adjoint.adj_inc_timestep(time=t1) self.t0 = t1 def next_t1(self): """ Return the time of next end interval """ assert self._dt_ind < len(self._dt)+1 dt = self._dt[self._dt_ind][1] time_to_switch_dt = self._dt[self._dt_ind+1][0] if time_to_switch_dt - dolfin.DOLFIN_EPS > self.t0 + dt : return self.t0 + dt # Update dt index self._dt_ind += 1 return time_to_switch_dt
[docs]def convergence_rate(hs, errors): """ Compute and return rates of convergence :math:`r_i` such that .. math:: errors = C hs^r """ assert (len(hs) == len(errors)), "hs and errors must have same length." # Compute converence rates rates = [(math.log(errors[i+1]/errors[i]))/(math.log(hs[i+1]/hs[i])) for i in range(len(hs)-1)] # Return convergence rates return rates
[docs]class Projecter(object): """Customized class for repeated projection. *Arguments* V (:py:class:`dolfin.FunctionSpace`) The function space to project into solver_type (string, optional) "iterative" (default) or "direct" *Example of usage*:: my_project = Projecter(V, solver_type="direct") u = Function(V) f = Function(W) my_project(f, u) """ def __init__(self, V, params=None): # Set parameters self.parameters = self.default_parameters() if params is not None: self.parameters.update(params) # Set-up mass matrix for L^2 projection self.V = V self.u = dolfin.TrialFunction(self.V) self.v = dolfin.TestFunction(self.V) self.m = dolfin.inner(self.u, self.v)*dolfin.dx() self.M = assemble(self.m) self.b = dolfin.Vector(V.mesh().mpi_comm(), V.dim()) solver_type = self.parameters["linear_solver_type"] assert(solver_type == "lu" or solver_type == "cg"), \ "Expecting 'linear_solver_type' to be 'lu' or 'cg'" if solver_type == "lu": dolfin.debug("Setting up direct solver for projecter") # Customize LU solver (reuse everything) solver = LUSolver(self.M) solver.parameters["same_nonzero_pattern"] = True solver.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True else: dolfin.debug("Setting up iterative solver for projecter") # Customize Krylov solver (reuse everything) solver = KrylovSolver("cg", "ilu") solver.set_operator(self.M) solver.parameters["preconditioner"]["structure"] = "same" # solver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = True self.solver = solver
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): parameters = dolfin.Parameters("Projecter") parameters.add("linear_solver_type", "cg") return parameters
def __call__(self, f, u): """ Carry out projection of ufl Expression f and store result in the function u. The user must make sure that u lives in the right space. *Arguments* f (:py:class:`ufl.Expr`) The thing to be projected into this function space u (:py:class:`dolfin.Function`) The result of the projection """ L = dolfin.inner(f, self.v)*dolfin.dx() assemble(L, tensor=self.b) self.solver.solve(u.vector(), self.b)