Source code for cbcbeat.splittingsolver

This module contains splitting solvers for CardiacModel objects. In
particular, the classes

  * SplittingSolver
  * BasicSplittingSolver

These solvers solve the bidomain (or monodomain) equations on the
form: find the transmembrane potential :math:`v = v(x, t)` in mV, the
extracellular potential :math:`u = u(x, t)` in mV, and any additional
state variables :math:`s = s(x, t)` such that

.. math::

   v_t - \mathrm{div} (M_i \mathrm{grad} v + M_i \mathrm{grad} u) = - I_{ion}(v, s) + I_s

         \mathrm{div} (M_i \mathrm{grad} v + (M_i + M_e) \mathrm{grad} u) = I_a

   s_t = F(v, s)


  * the subscript :math:`t` denotes the time derivative,
  * :math:`M_i` and :math:`M_e` are conductivity tensors (in mm^2/ms)
  * :math:`I_s` is prescribed input current (in mV/ms)
  * :math:`I_a` is prescribed input current (in mV/ms)
  * :math:`I_{ion}` and :math:`F` are typically specified by a cell model

Note that M_i and M_e can be viewed as scaled by :math:`\chi*C_m` where
  * :math:`\chi` is the surface-to volume ratio of cells (in 1/mm) ,
  * :math:`C_m` is the specific membrane capacitance (in mu F/(mm^2) ),

In addition, initial conditions are given for :math:`v` and :math:`s`:

.. math::

   v(x, 0) = v_0

   s(x, 0) = s_0

Finally, boundary conditions must be prescribed. These solvers assume
pure Neumann boundary conditions for :math:`v` and :math:`u` and
enforce the additional average value zero constraint for u.

The solvers take as input a
:py:class:`~cbcbeat.cardiacmodels.CardiacModel` providing the
required input specification of the problem. In particular, the
applied current :math:`I_a` is extracted from the
attribute, while the stimulus :math:`I_s` is extracted from the
:py:attr:`~cbcbeat.cardiacmodels.CardiacModel.stimulus` attribute.

It should be possible to use the solvers interchangably. However, note
that the BasicSplittingSolver is not optimised and should be used for
testing or debugging purposes primarily.

# Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Marie E. Rognes (
# Use and modify at will
# Last changed: 2013-04-15

__all__ = ["SplittingSolver", "BasicSplittingSolver",]

from cbcbeat.dolfinimport import *
from cbcbeat import CardiacModel
from cbcbeat.cellsolver import BasicCardiacODESolver, CardiacODESolver
from cbcbeat.bidomainsolver import BasicBidomainSolver, BidomainSolver
from cbcbeat.monodomainsolver import BasicMonodomainSolver, MonodomainSolver
from cbcbeat.utils import state_space, TimeStepper, annotate_kwargs

[docs]class BasicSplittingSolver: """ A non-optimised solver for the bidomain equations based on the operator splitting scheme described in Sundnes et al 2006, p. 78 ff. The solver computes as solutions: * "vs" (:py:class:`dolfin.Function`) representing the solution for the transmembrane potential and any additional state variables, and * "vur" (:py:class:`dolfin.Function`) representing the transmembrane potential in combination with the extracellular potential and an additional Lagrange multiplier. The algorithm can be controlled by a number of parameters. In particular, the splitting algorithm can be controlled by the parameter "theta": "theta" set to 1.0 corresponds to a (1st order) Godunov splitting while "theta" set to 0.5 to a (2nd order) Strang splitting. This solver has not been optimised for computational efficiency and should therefore primarily be used for debugging purposes. For an equivalent, but more efficient, solver, see :py:class:`cbcbeat.splittingsolver.SplittingSolver`. *Arguments* model (:py:class:`cbcbeat.cardiacmodels.CardiacModel`) a CardiacModel object describing the simulation set-up params (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`, optional) a Parameters object controlling solver parameters *Assumptions* * The cardiac conductivities do not vary in time """ def __init__(self, model, params=None): "Create solver from given Cardiac Model and (optional) parameters." assert isinstance(model, CardiacModel), \ "Expecting CardiacModel as first argument" # Set model and parameters self._model = model self.parameters = self.default_parameters() if params is not None: self.parameters.update(params) # Extract solution domain self._domain = self._model.domain() self._time = self._model.time() # Create ODE solver and extract solution fields self.ode_solver = self._create_ode_solver() (self.vs_, self.vs) = self.ode_solver.solution_fields() self.VS = self.vs.function_space() # Create PDE solver and extract solution fields self.pde_solver = self._create_pde_solver() (self.v_, self.vur) = self.pde_solver.solution_fields() # Create function assigner for merging v from self.vur into self.vs[0] if self.parameters["pde_solver"] == "bidomain": V = self.vur.function_space().sub(0) else: V = self.vur.function_space() self.merger = FunctionAssigner(self.VS.sub(0), V) self._annotate_kwargs = annotate_kwargs(self.parameters) def _create_ode_solver(self): """Helper function to initialize a suitable ODE solver from the cardiac model.""" # Extract cardiac cell model from cardiac model cell_model = self._model.cell_models() # Extract stimulus from the cardiac model(!) if self.parameters.apply_stimulus_current_to_pde: stimulus = None else: stimulus = self._model.stimulus() # Extract ode solver parameters params = self.parameters["BasicCardiacODESolver"] # Propagate enable_adjoint to Bidomain solver if params.has_key("enable_adjoint"): params["enable_adjoint"] = self.parameters["enable_adjoint"] solver = BasicCardiacODESolver(self._domain, self._time, cell_model, I_s=stimulus, params=params) return solver def _create_pde_solver(self): """Helper function to initialize a suitable PDE solver from the cardiac model.""" # Extract applied current from the cardiac model applied_current = self._model.applied_current() # Extract stimulus from the cardiac model if we should apply # it to the PDEs (in the other case, it is handled by the ODE # solver) if self.parameters.apply_stimulus_current_to_pde: stimulus = self._model.stimulus() else: stimulus = None # Extract conductivities from the cardiac model (M_i, M_e) = self._model.conductivities() if self.parameters["pde_solver"] == "bidomain": PDESolver = BasicBidomainSolver params = self.parameters["BasicBidomainSolver"] args = (self._domain, self._time, M_i, M_e) kwargs = dict(I_s=stimulus, I_a=applied_current, v_=self.vs[0], params=params) else: PDESolver = BasicMonodomainSolver params = self.parameters["BasicMonodomainSolver"] args = (self._domain, self._time, M_i) kwargs = dict(I_s=stimulus, v_=self.vs[0], params=params) # Propagate enable_adjoint to Bidomain solver if params.has_key("enable_adjoint"): params["enable_adjoint"] = self.parameters["enable_adjoint"] solver = PDESolver(*args, **kwargs) return solver
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): """Initialize and return a set of default parameters for the splitting solver *Returns* A set of parameters (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`) To inspect all the default parameters, do:: info(BasicSplittingSolver.default_parameters(), True) """ params = Parameters("BasicSplittingSolver") params.add("enable_adjoint", True) params.add("theta", 0.5, 0., 1.) params.add("apply_stimulus_current_to_pde", False) params.add("pde_solver", "bidomain", ["bidomain", "monodomain"]) # Add default parameters from ODE solver, but update for V # space ode_solver_params = BasicCardiacODESolver.default_parameters() ode_solver_params["V_polynomial_degree"] = 1 ode_solver_params["V_polynomial_family"] = "CG" params.add(ode_solver_params) pde_solver_params = BasicBidomainSolver.default_parameters() pde_solver_params["polynomial_degree"] = 1 params.add(pde_solver_params) pde_solver_params = BasicMonodomainSolver.default_parameters() pde_solver_params["polynomial_degree"] = 1 params.add(pde_solver_params) return params
[docs] def solution_fields(self): """ Return tuple of previous and current solution objects. Modifying these will modify the solution objects of the solver and thus provides a way for setting initial conditions for instance. *Returns* (previous vs, current vs, current vur) (:py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`dolfin.Function`) """ return (self.vs_, self.vs, self.vur)
[docs] def solve(self, interval, dt): """ Solve the problem given by the model on a given time interval (t0, t1) with a given timestep dt and return generator for a tuple of the time step and the solution fields. *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval for the solve given by (t0, t1) dt (int, list of tuples of floats) The timestep for the solve. A list of tuples of floats can also be passed. Each tuple should contain two floats where the first includes the start time and the second the dt. *Returns* (timestep, solution_fields) via (:py:class:`genexpr`) *Example of usage*:: # Create generator dts = [(0., 0.1), (1.0, 0.05), (2.0, 0.1)] solutions = solver.solve((0.0, 1.0), dts) # Iterate over generator (computes solutions as you go) for ((t0, t1), (vs_, vs, vur)) in solutions: # do something with the solutions """ # Create timestepper time_stepper = TimeStepper(interval, dt, \ annotate=self.parameters["enable_adjoint"]) for t0, t1 in time_stepper: info_blue("Solving on t = (%g, %g)" % (t0, t1)) self.step((t0, t1)) # Yield solutions yield (t0, t1), self.solution_fields() # Update previous solution self.vs_.assign(self.vs)
[docs] def step(self, interval): """ Solve the problem given by the model on a given time interval (t0, t1) with timestep given by the interval length. *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval for the solve given by (t0, t1) *Invariants* Given self._vs in a correct state at t0, provide v and s (in self.vs) and u (in self.vur) in a correct state at t1. (Note that self.vur[0] == self.vs[0] only if theta = 1.0.) """ # Extract some parameters for readability theta = self.parameters["theta"] # Extract time domain (t0, t1) = interval dt = (t1 - t0) t = t0 + theta*dt # Compute tentative membrane potential and state (vs_star) begin(PROGRESS, "Tentative ODE step") # Assumes that its vs_ is in the correct state, gives its vs # in the current state self.ode_solver.step((t0, t)) end() # Compute tentative potentials vu = (v, u) begin(PROGRESS, "PDE step") # Assumes that its vs_ is in the correct state, gives vur in # the current state self.pde_solver.step((t0, t1)) end() # If first order splitting, we need to ensure that self.vs is # up to date, but otherwise we are done. if theta == 1.0: # Assumes that the v part of its vur and the s part of its # vs are in the correct state, provides input argument(in # this case self.vs) in its correct state self.merge(self.vs) return # Otherwise, we do another ode_step: begin(PROGRESS, "Corrective ODE step") # Update vs_ based on vs, the s part of vs and vs_ are now in # the correct state. self.vs_.assign(self.vs) # Set the v part of vs_ to be v from vur. Now vs_ is in its # correct state. self.merge(self.vs_) # Assumes that its vs_ is in the correct state, provides vs in # the correct state self.ode_solver.step((t, t1)) end()
[docs] def merge(self, solution): """ Combine solutions from the PDE solve and the ODE solve to form a single mixed function. *Arguments* solution (:py:class:`dolfin.Function`) Function holding the combined result """ timer = Timer("Merge step") begin(PROGRESS, "Merging") if self.parameters["pde_solver"] == "bidomain": v = self.vur.sub(0) else: v = self.vur self.merger.assign(solution.sub(0), v, **self._annotate_kwargs) end() timer.stop()
[docs]class SplittingSolver(BasicSplittingSolver): """ An optimised solver for the bidomain equations based on the operator splitting scheme described in Sundnes et al 2006, p. 78 ff. The solver computes as solutions: * "vs" (:py:class:`dolfin.Function`) representing the solution for the transmembrane potential and any additional state variables, and * "vur" (:py:class:`dolfin.Function`) representing the transmembrane potential in combination with the extracellular potential and an additional Lagrange multiplier. The algorithm can be controlled by a number of parameters. In particular, the splitting algorithm can be controlled by the parameter "theta": "theta" set to 1.0 corresponds to a (1st order) Godunov splitting while "theta" set to 0.5 to a (2nd order) Strang splitting. *Arguments* model (:py:class:`cbcbeat.cardiacmodels.CardiacModel`) a CardiacModel object describing the simulation set-up params (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`, optional) a Parameters object controlling solver parameters *Example of usage*:: from cbcbeat import * # Describe the cardiac model mesh = UnitSquareMesh(100, 100) time = Constant(0.0) cell_model = FitzHughNagumoManual() stimulus = Expression("10*t*x[0]", t=time, degree=1) cm = CardiacModel(mesh, time, 1.0, 1.0, cell_model, stimulus) # Extract default solver parameters ps = SplittingSolver.default_parameters() # Examine the default parameters info(ps, True) # Update parameter dictionary ps["theta"] = 1.0 # Use first order splitting ps["CardiacODESolver"]["scheme"] = "GRL1" # Use Generalized Rush-Larsen scheme ps["pde_solver"] = "monodomain" # Use monodomain equations as the PDE model ps["MonodomainSolver"]["linear_solver_type"] = "direct" # Use direct linear solver of the PDEs ps["MonodomainSolver"]["theta"] = 1.0 # Use backward Euler for temporal discretization for the PDEs solver = SplittingSolver(cm, params=ps) # Extract the solution fields and set the initial conditions (vs_, vs, vur) = solver.solution_fields() vs_.assign(cell_model.initial_conditions()) # Solve dt = 0.1 T = 1.0 interval = (0.0, T) for (timestep, fields) in solver.solve(interval, dt): (vs_, vs, vur) = fields # Do something with the solutions *Assumptions* * The cardiac conductivities do not vary in time """ def __init__(self, model, params=None): BasicSplittingSolver.__init__(self, model, params)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): """Initialize and return a set of default parameters for the splitting solver *Returns* The set of default parameters (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`) *Example of usage*:: info(SplittingSolver.default_parameters(), True) """ params = Parameters("SplittingSolver") params.add("enable_adjoint", True) params.add("theta", 0.5, 0, 1) params.add("apply_stimulus_current_to_pde", False) params.add("pde_solver", "bidomain", ["bidomain", "monodomain"]) params.add("ode_solver_choice", "CardiacODESolver", ["BasicCardiacODESolver", "CardiacODESolver"]) # Add default parameters from ODE solver ode_solver_params = CardiacODESolver.default_parameters() ode_solver_params["scheme"] = "RL1" params.add(ode_solver_params) # Add default parameters from ODE solver basic_ode_solver_params = BasicCardiacODESolver.default_parameters() basic_ode_solver_params["V_polynomial_degree"] = 1 basic_ode_solver_params["V_polynomial_family"] = "CG" params.add(basic_ode_solver_params) pde_solver_params = BidomainSolver.default_parameters() pde_solver_params["polynomial_degree"] = 1 params.add(pde_solver_params) pde_solver_params = MonodomainSolver.default_parameters() pde_solver_params["polynomial_degree"] = 1 params.add(pde_solver_params) return params
def _create_ode_solver(self): """Helper function to initialize a suitable ODE solver from the cardiac model.""" # Extract cardiac cell model from cardiac model cell_model = self._model.cell_models() # Extract stimulus from the cardiac model(!) if self.parameters.apply_stimulus_current_to_pde: stimulus = None else: stimulus = self._model.stimulus() Solver = eval(self.parameters["ode_solver_choice"]) params = self.parameters[Solver.__name__] if params.has_key("enable_adjoint"): params["enable_adjoint"] = self.parameters["enable_adjoint"] solver = Solver(self._domain, self._time, cell_model, I_s=stimulus, params=params) return solver def _create_pde_solver(self): """Helper function to initialize a suitable PDE solver from the cardiac model.""" # Extract applied current from the cardiac model (stimulus # invoked in the ODE step) applied_current = self._model.applied_current() # Extract stimulus from the cardiac model if self.parameters.apply_stimulus_current_to_pde: stimulus = self._model.stimulus() else: stimulus = None # Extract conductivities from the cardiac model (M_i, M_e) = self._model.conductivities() if self.parameters["pde_solver"] == "bidomain": PDESolver = BidomainSolver params = self.parameters["BidomainSolver"] args = (self._domain, self._time, M_i, M_e) kwargs = dict(I_s=stimulus, I_a=applied_current, v_=self.vs[0], params=params) else: PDESolver = MonodomainSolver params = self.parameters["MonodomainSolver"] args = (self._domain, self._time, M_i) kwargs = dict(I_s=stimulus, v_=self.vs[0], params=params) # Propagate enable_adjoint to Bidomain solver if params.has_key("enable_adjoint"): params["enable_adjoint"] = self.parameters["enable_adjoint"] solver = PDESolver(*args, **kwargs) return solver