Source code for cbcbeat.monodomainsolver

These solvers solve the (pure) monodomain equations on the form: find
the transmembrane potential :math:`v = v(x, t)` such that

.. math::

   v_t - \mathrm{div} ( G_i v) = I_s

where the subscript :math:`t` denotes the time derivative; :math:`G_i`
denotes a weighted gradient: :math:`G_i = M_i \mathrm{grad}(v)` for,
where :math:`M_i` is the intracellular cardiac conductivity tensor;
:math:`I_s` ise prescribed input. In addition, initial conditions are
given for :math:`v`:

.. math::

   v(x, 0) = v_0

Finally, boundary conditions must be prescribed. For now, this solver
assumes pure homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions for :math:`v`.


# Copyright (C) 2013 Johan Hake (
# Use and modify at will
# Last changed: 2013-04-18

__all__ = ["BasicMonodomainSolver", "MonodomainSolver"]

from cbcbeat.dolfinimport import *
from cbcbeat.markerwisefield import *
from cbcbeat.utils import end_of_time, annotate_kwargs

[docs]class BasicMonodomainSolver(object): """This solver is based on a theta-scheme discretization in time and CG_1 elements in space. .. note:: For the sake of simplicity and consistency with other solver objects, this solver operates on its solution fields (as state variables) directly internally. More precisely, solve (and step) calls will act by updating the internal solution fields. It implies that initial conditions can be set (and are intended to be set) by modifying the solution fields prior to simulation. *Arguments* mesh (:py:class:`dolfin.Mesh`) The spatial domain (mesh) time (:py:class:`dolfin.Constant` or None) A constant holding the current time. If None is given, time is created for you, initialized to zero. M_i (:py:class:`ufl.Expr`) The intracellular conductivity tensor (as an UFL expression) I_s (:py:class:`dict`, optional) A typically time-dependent external stimulus given as a dict, with domain markers as the key and a :py:class:`dolfin.Expression` as values. NB: it is assumed that the time dependence of I_s is encoded via the 'time' Constant. v\_ (:py:class:`ufl.Expr`, optional) Initial condition for v. A new :py:class:`dolfin.Function` will be created if none is given. params (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`, optional) Solver parameters """ def __init__(self, mesh, time, M_i, I_s=None, v_=None, params=None): # Check some input assert isinstance(mesh, Mesh), \ "Expecting mesh to be a Mesh instance, not %r" % mesh assert isinstance(time, Constant) or time is None, \ "Expecting time to be a Constant instance (or None)." assert isinstance(params, Parameters) or params is None, \ "Expecting params to be a Parameters instance (or None)" # Store input self._mesh = mesh self._M_i = M_i self._I_s = I_s self._time = time # Initialize and update parameters if given self.parameters = self.default_parameters() if params is not None: self.parameters.update(params) # Set-up function spaces k = self.parameters["polynomial_degree"] V = FunctionSpace(self._mesh, "CG", k) self.V = V # Set-up solution fields: if v_ is None: self.v_ = Function(V, name="v_") else: debug("Experimental: v_ shipped from elsewhere.") self.v_ = v_ self.v = Function(self.V, name="v") # Figure out whether we should annotate or not self._annotate_kwargs = annotate_kwargs(self.parameters) @property def time(self): "The internal time of the solver." return self._time
[docs] def solution_fields(self): """ Return tuple of previous and current solution objects. Modifying these will modify the solution objects of the solver and thus provides a way for setting initial conditions for instance. *Returns* (previous v, current v) (:py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`dolfin.Function`) """ return (self.v_, self.v)
[docs] def solve(self, interval, dt=None): """ Solve the discretization on a given time interval (t0, t1) with a given timestep dt and return generator for a tuple of the interval and the current solution. *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval for the solve given by (t0, t1) dt (int, optional) The timestep for the solve. Defaults to length of interval *Returns* (timestep, solution_field) via (:py:class:`genexpr`) *Example of usage*:: # Create generator solutions = solver.solve((0.0, 1.0), 0.1) # Iterate over generator (computes solutions as you go) for (interval, solution_fields) in solutions: (t0, t1) = interval v_, v = solution_fields # do something with the solutions """ # Initial set-up # Solve on entire interval if no interval is given. (T0, T) = interval if dt is None: dt = (T - T0) t0 = T0 t1 = T0 + dt # Step through time steps until at end time while (True) : info("Solving on t = (%g, %g)" % (t0, t1)) self.step((t0, t1)) # Yield solutions yield (t0, t1), self.solution_fields() # Break if this is the last step if end_of_time(T, t0, t1, dt): break # If not: update members and move to next time if isinstance(self.v_, Function): self.v_.assign(self.v) else: debug("Assuming that v_ is updated elsewhere. Experimental.") t0 = t1 t1 = t0 + dt
[docs] def step(self, interval): """ Solve on the given time interval (t0, t1). *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval (t0, t1) for the step *Invariants* Assuming that v\_ is in the correct state for t0, gives self.v in correct state at t1. """ # Extract interval and thus time-step (t0, t1) = interval k_n = Constant(t1 - t0) theta = self.parameters["theta"] # Extract conductivities M_i = self._M_i # Set time t = t0 + theta*(t1 - t0) self.time.assign(t) # Define variational formulation v = TrialFunction(self.V) w = TestFunction(self.V) Dt_v = (v - self.v_)/k_n v_mid = theta*v + (1.0 - theta)*self.v_ (dz, rhs) = rhs_with_markerwise_field(self._I_s, self._mesh, w) theta_parabolic = inner(M_i*grad(v_mid), grad(w))*dz() G = Dt_v*w*dz() + theta_parabolic - rhs # Define variational problem a, L = system(G) pde = LinearVariationalProblem(a, L, self.v) # Set-up solver solver = LinearVariationalSolver(pde) solver.parameters.update(self.parameters["linear_variational_solver"]) solver.solve()
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): """Initialize and return a set of default parameters *Returns* A set of parameters (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`) To inspect all the default parameters, do:: info(BasicMonodomainSolver.default_parameters(), True) """ params = Parameters("BasicMonodomainSolver") params.add("theta", 0.5) params.add("polynomial_degree", 1) params.add("enable_adjoint", True) params.add(LinearVariationalSolver.default_parameters()) return params
[docs]class MonodomainSolver(BasicMonodomainSolver): __doc__ = BasicMonodomainSolver.__doc__ def __init__(self, mesh, time, M_i, I_s=None, v_=None, params=None): # Call super-class BasicMonodomainSolver.__init__(self, mesh, time, M_i, I_s=I_s, v_=v_, params=params) # Create variational forms self._timestep = Constant(self.parameters["default_timestep"]) (self._lhs, self._rhs, self._prec) \ = self.variational_forms(self._timestep) # Preassemble left-hand side (will be updated if time-step # changes) debug("Preassembling monodomain matrix (and initializing vector)") self._lhs_matrix = assemble(self._lhs, **self._annotate_kwargs) self._rhs_vector = Vector(mesh.mpi_comm(), self._lhs_matrix.size(0)) self._lhs_matrix.init_vector(self._rhs_vector, 0) # Create linear solver (based on parameter choices) self._linear_solver, self._update_solver = self._create_linear_solver() @property def linear_solver(self): """The linear solver (:py:class:`dolfin.LUSolver` or :py:class:`dolfin.KrylovSolver`).""" return self._linear_solver def _create_linear_solver(self): "Helper function for creating linear solver based on parameters." solver_type = self.parameters["linear_solver_type"] if solver_type == "direct": solver = LUSolver(self._lhs_matrix, self.parameters["lu_type"]) solver.parameters.update(self.parameters["lu_solver"]) update_routine = self._update_lu_solver elif solver_type == "iterative": # Preassemble preconditioner (will be updated if time-step # changes) debug("Preassembling preconditioner") # Initialize KrylovSolver with matrix and preconditioner alg = self.parameters["algorithm"] prec = self.parameters["preconditioner"] if self.parameters["use_custom_preconditioner"]: self._prec_matrix = assemble(self._prec, **self._annotate_kwargs) solver = PETScKrylovSolver(alg, prec) solver.parameters.update(self.parameters["krylov_solver"]) solver.set_operators(self._lhs_matrix, self._prec_matrix) solver.ksp().setFromOptions() else: solver = PETScKrylovSolver(alg, prec) solver.parameters.update(self.parameters["krylov_solver"]) solver.set_operator(self._lhs_matrix) solver.ksp().setFromOptions() update_routine = self._update_krylov_solver else: error("Unknown linear_solver_type given: %s" % solver_type) return (solver, update_routine)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): """Initialize and return a set of default parameters *Returns* A set of parameters (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`) To inspect all the default parameters, do:: info(MonodomainSolver.default_parameters(), True) """ params = Parameters("MonodomainSolver") params.add("enable_adjoint", True) params.add("theta", 0.5) params.add("polynomial_degree", 1) params.add("default_timestep", 1.0) # Set default solver type to be iterative params.add("linear_solver_type", "iterative") params.add("lu_type", "default") # Set default iterative solver choices (used if iterative # solver is invoked) params.add("algorithm", "cg") params.add("preconditioner", "petsc_amg") params.add("use_custom_preconditioner", True) # Add default parameters from both LU and Krylov solvers params.add(LUSolver.default_parameters()) params.add(KrylovSolver.default_parameters()) # Customize default parameters for LUSolver params["lu_solver"]["same_nonzero_pattern"] = True # Customize default parameters for KrylovSolver #params["krylov_solver"]["preconditioner"]["structure"] = "same" return params
[docs] def variational_forms(self, k_n): """Create the variational forms corresponding to the given discretization of the given system of equations. *Arguments* k_n (:py:class:`ufl.Expr` or float) The time step *Returns* (lhs, rhs, prec) (:py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`ufl.Form`) """ # Extract theta parameter and conductivities theta = self.parameters["theta"] M_i = self._M_i # Define variational formulation v = TrialFunction(self.V) w = TestFunction(self.V) # Set-up variational problem Dt_v_k_n = (v - self.v_) v_mid = theta*v + (1.0 - theta)*self.v_ (dz, rhs) = rhs_with_markerwise_field(self._I_s, self._mesh, w) theta_parabolic = inner(M_i*grad(v_mid), grad(w))*dz() G = Dt_v_k_n*w*dz + k_n*theta_parabolic - k_n*rhs # Define preconditioner based on educated(?) guess by Marie prec = (v*w + k_n/2.0*inner(M_i*grad(v), grad(w)))*dz (a, L) = system(G) return (a, L, prec)
[docs] def step(self, interval): """ Solve on the given time step (t0, t1). *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval (t0, t1) for the step *Invariants* Assuming that v\_ is in the correct state for t0, gives self.v in correct state at t1. """ timer = Timer("PDE Step") # Extract interval and thus time-step (t0, t1) = interval dt = t1 - t0 theta = self.parameters["theta"] t = t0 + theta*dt self.time.assign(t) # Update matrix and linear solvers etc as needed timestep_unchanged = (abs(dt - float(self._timestep)) < 1.e-12) self._update_solver(timestep_unchanged, dt) # Assemble right-hand-side timer0 = Timer("Assemble rhs") assemble(self._rhs, tensor=self._rhs_vector, **self._annotate_kwargs) del timer0 # Solve problem self.linear_solver.solve(self.v.vector(), self._rhs_vector, **self._annotate_kwargs) timer.stop()
def _update_lu_solver(self, timestep_unchanged, dt): """Helper function for updating an LUSolver depending on whether timestep has changed.""" # Update reuse of factorization parameter in accordance with # changes in timestep if timestep_unchanged: debug("Timestep is unchanged, reusing LU factorization") self.linear_solver.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = True else: debug("Timestep has changed, updating LU factorization") self.linear_solver.parameters["reuse_factorization"] = False # Update stored timestep # FIXME: dolfin_adjoint still can't annotate constant assignment. self._timestep.assign(Constant(dt))#, annotate=annotate) # Reassemble matrix assemble(self._lhs, tensor=self._lhs_matrix, **self._annotate_kwargs) def _update_krylov_solver(self, timestep_unchanged, dt): """Helper function for updating a KrylovSolver depending on whether timestep has changed.""" kwargs = annotate_kwargs(self.parameters) # Update reuse of preconditioner parameter in accordance with # changes in timestep if timestep_unchanged: debug("Timestep is unchanged, reusing preconditioner") #self.linear_solver.parameters["preconditioner"]["structure"] = "same" else: debug("Timestep has changed, updating preconditioner") #self.linear_solver.parameters["preconditioner"]["structure"] = \ # "same_nonzero_pattern" # Update stored timestep self._timestep.assign(Constant(dt)) # Reassemble matrix assemble(self._lhs, tensor=self._lhs_matrix, **self._annotate_kwargs) # Reassemble preconditioner if self.parameters["use_custom_preconditioner"]: assemble(self._prec, tensor=self._prec_matrix, **self._annotate_kwargs)
# Set nonzero initial guess if it indeed is nonzero #if (self.v.vector().norm("l2") > 1.e-12): # debug("Initial guess is non-zero.") # self.linear_solver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = True