Source code for cbcbeat.cellsolver

"This module contains solvers for (subclasses of) CardiacCellModel."

__author__ = "Marie E. Rognes (, 2012--2013"

__all__ = ["BasicSingleCellSolver",

from cbcbeat.dolfinimport import *
from cbcbeat import CardiacCellModel, MultiCellModel
from cbcbeat.markerwisefield import *
from cbcbeat.utils import state_space, TimeStepper, splat, annotate_kwargs

def point_integral_solver_default_parameters():

        p = PointIntegralSolver.default_parameters()
    except AttributeError:
        p = Parameters("point_integral_solver")
        p.add("reset_stage_solutions", True)
        # Set parameters for NewtonSolver
        pn = Parameters("newton_solver")
        pn.add("maximum_iterations", 40)
        pn.add("always_recompute_jacobian", False)
        pn.add("recompute_jacobian_each_solve", True)
        pn.add("relaxation_parameter", 1., 0., 1.)
        pn.add("relative_tolerance", 1e-10, 1e-20, 2.)
        pn.add("absolute_tolerance", 1e-15, 1e-20, 2.)
        pn.add("kappa", 0.1, 0.05, 1.0)
        pn.add("eta_0", 1., 1e-15, 1.0)
        pn.add("max_relative_previous_residual", 1e-1, 1e-5, 1.)
        pn.add("reset_each_step", true)
        pn.add("report", false)
        pn.add("report_vertex", 0, 0, 32767)
        pn.add("verbose_report", false)
    return p

[docs]class BasicCardiacODESolver(object): """A basic, non-optimised solver for systems of ODEs typically encountered in cardiac applications of the form: find a scalar field :math:`v = v(x, t)` and a vector field :math:`s = s(x, t)` .. math:: v_t = - I_{ion}(v, s) + I_s s_t = F(v, s) where :math:`I_{ion}` and :math:`F` are given non-linear functions, and :math:`I_s` is some prescribed stimulus. Here, this nonlinear ODE system is solved via a theta-scheme. By default theta=0.5, which corresponds to a Crank-Nicolson scheme. This can be changed by modifying the solver parameters. .. note:: For the sake of simplicity and consistency with other solver objects, this solver operates on its solution fields (as state variables) directly internally. More precisely, solve (and step) calls will act by updating the internal solution fields. It implies that initial conditions can be set (and are intended to be set) by modifying the solution fields prior to simulation. *Arguments* mesh (:py:class:`dolfin.Mesh`) The spatial domain (mesh) time (:py:class:`dolfin.Constant` or None) A constant holding the current time. If None is given, time is created for you, initialized to zero. model (:py:class:`cbcbeat.CardiacCellModel`) A representation of the cardiac cell model(s) I_s (optional) A typically time-dependent external stimulus given as a :py:class:`dolfin.GenericFunction` or a Markerwise. NB: it is assumed that the time dependence of I_s is encoded via the 'time' Constant. params (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`, optional) Solver parameters """ def __init__(self, mesh, time, model, I_s=None, params=None): # Store input self._mesh = mesh self._time = time self._model = model # Extract some information from cell model self._F = self._model.F self._I_ion = self._model.I self._num_states = self._model.num_states() # Handle stimulus self._I_s = handle_markerwise(I_s, GenericFunction) # Initialize and update parameters if given self.parameters = self.default_parameters() if params is not None: self.parameters.update(params) # Create (mixed) function space for potential + states v_family = self.parameters["V_polynomial_family"] v_degree = self.parameters["V_polynomial_degree"] s_family = self.parameters["S_polynomial_family"] s_degree = self.parameters["S_polynomial_degree"] if (v_family == s_family and s_degree == v_degree): self.VS = VectorFunctionSpace(self._mesh, v_family, v_degree, dim=self._num_states+1) else: V = FunctionSpace(self._mesh, v_family, v_degree) S = state_space(self._mesh, self._num_states, s_family, s_degree) Mx = MixedElement(V.ufl_element(), S.ufl_element()) self.VS = FunctionSpace(self._mesh, Mx) # Initialize solution fields self.vs_ = Function(self.VS, name="vs_") self.vs = Function(self.VS, name="vs") @property def time(self): "The internal time of the solver." return self._time
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): """Initialize and return a set of default parameters *Returns* A set of parameters (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`) """ params = Parameters("BasicCardiacODESolver") params.add("theta", 0.5) params.add("V_polynomial_degree", 0) params.add("V_polynomial_family", "DG") params.add("S_polynomial_degree", 0) params.add("S_polynomial_family", "DG") params.add("enable_adjoint", True) # Use iterative solver as default. params.add(NonlinearVariationalSolver.default_parameters()) params["nonlinear_variational_solver"]["newton_solver"]["linear_solver"] = "gmres" return params
[docs] def solution_fields(self): """ Return tuple of previous and current solution objects. Modifying these will modify the solution objects of the solver and thus provides a way for setting initial conditions for instance. *Returns* (previous vs, current vs) (:py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`dolfin.Function`) """ return (self.vs_, self.vs)
[docs] def solve(self, interval, dt=None): """ Solve the problem given by the model on a given time interval (t0, t1) with a given timestep dt and return generator for a tuple of the interval and the current vs solution. *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval for the solve given by (t0, t1) dt (int, optional) The timestep for the solve. Defaults to length of interval *Returns* (timestep, current vs) via (:py:class:`genexpr`) *Example of usage*:: # Create generator solutions = solver.solve((0.0, 1.0), 0.1) # Iterate over generator (computes solutions as you go) for (interval, vs) in solutions: # do something with the solutions """ # Initial time set-up (T0, T) = interval # Solve on entire interval if no interval is given. if dt is None: dt = (T - T0) # Create timestepper time_stepper = TimeStepper(interval, dt, \ annotate=self.parameters["enable_adjoint"]) for t0, t1 in time_stepper: info_blue("Solving on t = (%g, %g)" % (t0, t1)) self.step((t0, t1)) # Yield solutions yield (t0, t1), self.vs self.vs_.assign(self.vs)
[docs] def step(self, interval): """ Solve on the given time step (t0, t1). End users are recommended to use solve instead. *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval (t0, t1) for the step """ timer = Timer("ODE step") # Check for cell meshs dim = self._mesh.topology().dim() # Extract time mesh (t0, t1) = interval k_n = Constant(t1 - t0) # Extract previous solution(s) (v_, s_) = splat(self.vs_, self._num_states+1) # Set-up current variables self.vs.assign(self.vs_) # Start with good guess (v, s) = splat(self.vs, self._num_states+1) (w, r) = splat(TestFunction(self.VS), self._num_states+1) # Define equation based on cell model Dt_v = (v - v_)/k_n Dt_s = (s - s_)/k_n theta = self.parameters["theta"] # Set time (propagates to time-dependent variables defined via # self.time) t = t0 + theta*(t1 - t0) self.time.assign(t) v_mid = theta*v + (1.0 - theta)*v_ s_mid = theta*s + (1.0 - theta)*s_ if isinstance(self._model, MultiCellModel): #assert(model.mesh() == self._mesh) model = self._model mesh = model.mesh() dy = Measure("dx", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=model.markers()) # Only allowing trivial forcing functions here if isinstance(self._I_s, Markerwise): error("Not implemented") rhs = self._I_s*w*dy() n = model.num_states() # Extract number of global states # Collect contributions to lhs by iterating over the different cell models domains = self._model.keys() lhs = list() for (k, model_k) in enumerate(model.models()): n_k = model_k.num_states() # Extract number of local (non-trivial) states # Extract right components of coefficients and test functions # () is not the same as (1,) if n_k == 1: s_mid_k = s_mid[0] r_k = r[0] Dt_s_k = Dt_s[0] else: s_mid_k = as_vector(tuple(s_mid[j] for j in range(n_k))) r_k = as_vector(tuple(r[j] for j in range(n_k))) Dt_s_k = as_vector(tuple(Dt_s[j] for j in range(n_k))) i_k = domains[k] # Extract domain index of cell model k # Extract right currents and ion channel expressions F_theta_k = self._F(v_mid, s_mid_k, time=self.time, index=i_k) I_theta_k = -self._I_ion(v_mid, s_mid_k, time=self.time, index=i_k) # Variational contribution over the relevant domain a_k = ((Dt_v - I_theta_k)*w + inner(Dt_s_k, r_k) + inner(- F_theta_k, r_k))*dy(i_k) # Add s_trivial = 0 on Omega_{i_k} in variational form: a_k += sum(s[j]*r[j] for j in range(n_k, n))*dy(i_k) lhs.append(a_k) lhs = sum(lhs) else: (dz, rhs) = rhs_with_markerwise_field(self._I_s, self._mesh, w) # Evaluate currents at averaged v and s. Note sign for I_theta F_theta = self._F(v_mid, s_mid, time=self.time) I_theta = - self._I_ion(v_mid, s_mid, time=self.time) lhs = (Dt_v - I_theta)*w*dz + inner(Dt_s - F_theta, r)*dz # Set-up system of equations G = lhs - rhs # Solve system pde = NonlinearVariationalProblem(G, self.vs, J=derivative(G, self.vs)) solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(pde) solver_params = self.parameters["nonlinear_variational_solver"] solver.parameters.update(solver_params) solver.solve() timer.stop()
[docs]class CardiacODESolver(object): """An optimised solver for systems of ODEs typically encountered in cardiac applications of the form: find a scalar field :math:`v = v(x, t)` and a vector field :math:`s = s(x, t)` .. math:: v_t = - I_{ion}(v, s) + I_s s_t = F(v, s) where :math:`I_{ion}` and :math:`F` are given non-linear functions, and :math:`I_s` is some prescribed stimulus. .. note:: For the sake of simplicity and consistency with other solver objects, this solver operates on its solution fields (as state variables) directly internally. More precisely, solve (and step) calls will act by updating the internal solution fields. It implies that initial conditions can be set (and are intended to be set) by modifying the solution fields prior to simulation. *Arguments* mesh (:py:class:`dolfin.Mesh`) The spatial mesh (mesh) time (:py:class:`dolfin.Constant` or None) A constant holding the current time. If None is given, time is created for you, initialized to zero. model (:py:class:`cbcbeat.CardiacCellModel`) A representation of the cardiac cell model(s) I_s (:py:class:`dolfin.Expression`, optional) A typically time-dependent external stimulus. NB: it is assumed that the time dependence of I_s is encoded via the 'time' Constant. params (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`, optional) Solver parameters """ def __init__(self, mesh, time, model, I_s=None, params=None): import ufl.classes # Store input self._mesh = mesh self._time = time self._model = model # Extract some information from cell model self._F = self._model.F self._I_ion = self._model.I self._num_states = self._model.num_states() self._I_s = handle_markerwise(I_s, GenericFunction) # Create time if not given, otherwise use given time if time is None: self._time = Constant(0.0) else: self._time = time # Initialize and update parameters if given self.parameters = self.default_parameters() if params is not None: self.parameters.update(params) # Create (vector) function space for potential + states self.VS = VectorFunctionSpace(self._mesh, "CG", 1, dim=self._num_states+1) # Initialize solution field self.vs_ = Function(self.VS, name="vs_") self.vs = Function(self.VS, name="vs") # Initialize scheme (v, s) = splat(self.vs, self._num_states+1) (w, q) = splat(TestFunction(self.VS), self._num_states+1) # Workaround to get algorithm in RL schemes working as it only # works for scalar expressions F_exprs = self._F(v, s, self._time) # MER: This looks much more complicated than it needs to be! # If we have a as_vector expression F_exprs_q = zero() if isinstance(F_exprs, ufl.classes.ListTensor): #for i, expr_i in enumerate(F_exprs.operands()): for i, expr_i in enumerate(F_exprs.ufl_operands): F_exprs_q += expr_i*q[i] else: F_exprs_q = F_exprs*q rhs = F_exprs_q - self._I_ion(v, s, self._time)*w # Handle stimulus: only handle single function case for now msg = "Markerwise stimulus not supported by PointIntegralSolver." assert (not isinstance(self._I_s, Markerwise)), msg if self._I_s: rhs += self._I_s*w # FIXME: The application of dP was moved so adding an integral # is done just once. Otherwise ufl could not figure out that # we had only one integral... self._rhs = rhs*dP() #sys.exit() name = self.parameters["scheme"] Scheme = self._name_to_scheme(name) self._scheme = Scheme(self._rhs, self.vs, self._time) # Figure out whether we should annotate or not self._annotate_kwargs = annotate_kwargs(self.parameters) # Initialize solver and update its parameters self._pi_solver = PointIntegralSolver(self._scheme) self._pi_solver.parameters.update(self.parameters["point_integral_solver"]) def _name_to_scheme(self, name): """Return scheme class with given name *Arguments* name (string) *Returns* the Scheme (:py:class:`dolfin.MultiStageScheme`) """ return eval(name)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_parameters(): """Initialize and return a set of default parameters *Returns* A set of parameters (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`) """ params = Parameters("CardiacODESolver") params.add("scheme", "BackwardEuler") params.add(point_integral_solver_default_parameters()) params.add("enable_adjoint", True) return params
[docs] def solution_fields(self): """ Return current solution object. Modifying this will modify the solution object of the solver and thus provides a way for setting initial conditions for instance. *Returns* (previous vs_, current vs) (:py:class:`dolfin.Function`) """ return (self.vs_, self.vs)
[docs] def step(self, interval): """ Solve on the given time step (t0, t1). End users are recommended to use solve instead. *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval (t0, t1) for the step """ # NB: The point integral solver operates on vs directly, map # initial condition in vs_ to vs: timer = Timer("ODE step") self.vs.assign(self.vs_) (t0, t1) = interval dt = t1 - t0 self._annotate_kwargs = annotate_kwargs(self.parameters) self._pi_solver.step(dt, **self._annotate_kwargs) timer.stop()
[docs] def solve(self, interval, dt=None): """ Solve the problem given by the model on a given time interval (t0, t1) with a given timestep dt and return generator for a tuple of the interval and the current vs solution. *Arguments* interval (:py:class:`tuple`) The time interval for the solve given by (t0, t1) dt (int, optional) The timestep for the solve. Defaults to length of interval *Returns* (timestep, current vs) via (:py:class:`genexpr`) *Example of usage*:: # Create generator solutions = solver.solve((0.0, 1.0), 0.1) # Iterate over generator (computes solutions as you go) for (interval, vs) in solutions: # do something with the solutions """ # Initial time set-up (T0, T) = interval # Solve on entire interval if no interval is given. if dt is None: dt = (T - T0) # Create timestepper time_stepper = TimeStepper(interval, dt, \ annotate=self.parameters["enable_adjoint"]) for t0, t1 in time_stepper: info_blue("Solving on t = (%g, %g)" % (t0, t1)) self.step((t0, t1)) # Yield solutions yield (t0, t1), self.vs # FIXME: This eventually breaks in parallel!? self.vs_.assign(self.vs)
[docs]class BasicSingleCellSolver(BasicCardiacODESolver): """A basic, non-optimised solver for systems of ODEs typically encountered in cardiac applications of the form: find a scalar field :math:`v = v(t)` and a vector field :math:`s = s(t)` .. math:: v_t = - I_{ion}(v, s) + I_s s_t = F(v, s) where :math:`I_{ion}` and :math:`F` are given non-linear functions, :math:`I_s` is some prescribed stimulus. If :math:`I_s` depends on time, it is assumed that :math:`I_s` is a :py:class:`dolfin.Expression` with parameter 't'. Use this solver if you just want to test the results from a cardiac cell model without any spatial mesh dependence. Here, this nonlinear ODE system is solved via a theta-scheme. By default theta=0.5, which corresponds to a Crank-Nicolson scheme. This can be changed by modifying the solver parameters. .. note:: For the sake of simplicity and consistency with other solver objects, this solver operates on its solution fields (as state variables) directly internally. More precisely, solve (and step) calls will act by updating the internal solution fields. It implies that initial conditions can be set (and are intended to be set) by modifying the solution fields prior to simulation. *Arguments* model (:py:class:`~cbcbeat.cellmodels.cardiaccellmodel.CardiacCellModel`) A cardiac cell model time (:py:class:`~dolfin.Constant` or None) A constant holding the current time. params (:py:class:`dolfin.Parameters`, optional) Solver parameters """ def __init__(self, model, time, params=None): "Create solver from given cell model and optional parameters." assert isinstance(model, CardiacCellModel), \ "Expecting model to be a CardiacCellModel, not %r" % model assert (isinstance(time, Constant)), \ "Expecting time to be a Constant instance, not %r" % time assert isinstance(params, Parameters) or params is None, \ "Expecting params to be a Parameters (or None), not %r" % params # Store model self._model = model # Define carefully chosen dummy mesh mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(1) # Extract information from cardiac cell model and ship off to # super-class. BasicCardiacODESolver.__init__(self, mesh, time, model, I_s=model.stimulus, params=params)
[docs]class SingleCellSolver(CardiacODESolver): def __init__(self, model, time, params=None): "Create solver from given cell model and optional parameters." assert isinstance(model, CardiacCellModel), \ "Expecting model to be a CardiacCellModel, not %r" % model assert (isinstance(time, Constant)), \ "Expecting time to be a Constant instance, not %r" % time assert isinstance(params, Parameters) or params is None, \ "Expecting params to be a Parameters (or None), not %r" % params # Store model self._model = model # Define carefully chosen dummy mesh mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(1) # Extract information from cardiac cell model and ship off to # super-class. CardiacODESolver.__init__(self, mesh, time, model, I_s=model.stimulus, params=params)