Source code for cbcbeat.cardiacmodels

"""This module contains a container class for cardiac models:
:py:class:`~cbcbeat.cardiacmodels.CardiacModel`.  This class
should be instantiated for setting up specific cardiac simulation

# Copyright (C) 2012 Marie E. Rognes (
# Use and modify at will
# Last changed: 2016-04-21

__all__ = ["CardiacModel"]

from cbcbeat.dolfinimport import Parameters, Mesh, Constant, GenericFunction, error
from cbcbeat.markerwisefield import Markerwise, handle_markerwise
from cbcbeat.cellmodels import *

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cardiac models
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[docs]class CardiacModel(object): """ A container class for cardiac models. Objects of this class represent a specific cardiac simulation set-up and should provide * A computational domain * A cardiac cell model * Intra-cellular and extra-cellular conductivities * Various forms of stimulus (optional). This container class is designed for use with the splitting solvers (:py:mod:`cbcbeat.splittingsolver`), see their documentation for more information on how the attributes are interpreted in that context. *Arguments* domain (:py:class:`dolfin.Mesh`) the computational domain in space time (:py:class:`dolfin.Constant` or None ) A constant holding the current time. M_i (:py:class:`ufl.Expr`) the intra-cellular conductivity as an ufl Expression M_e (:py:class:`ufl.Expr`) the extra-cellular conductivity as an ufl Expression cell_models (:py:class:`~cbcbeat.cellmodels.cardiaccellmodel.CardiacCellModel`) a cell model or a dict with cell models associated with a cell model domain stimulus (:py:class:`dict`, optional) A typically time-dependent external stimulus given as a dict, with domain markers as the key and a :py:class:`dolfin.Expression` as values. NB: it is assumed that the time dependence of I_s is encoded via the 'time' Constant. applied_current (:py:class:`ufl.Expr`, optional) an applied current as an ufl Expression """ def __init__(self, domain, time, M_i, M_e, cell_models, stimulus=None, applied_current=None): "Create CardiacModel from given input." self._handle_input(domain, time, M_i, M_e, cell_models, stimulus, applied_current) def _handle_input(self, domain, time, M_i, M_e, cell_models, stimulus=None, applied_current=None): # Check input and store attributes msg = "Expecting domain to be a Mesh instance, not %r" % domain assert isinstance(domain, Mesh), msg self._domain = domain msg = "Expecting time to be a Constant instance, not %r." % time assert isinstance(time, Constant) or time is None, msg self._time = time self._intracellular_conductivity = M_i self._extracellular_conductivity = M_e # Handle cell_models self._cell_models = handle_markerwise(cell_models, CardiacCellModel) if isinstance(self._cell_models, Markerwise): msg = "Different cell_models are currently not supported." error(msg) # Handle stimulus self._stimulus = handle_markerwise(stimulus, GenericFunction) # Handle applied current ac = applied_current self._applied_current = handle_markerwise(ac, GenericFunction)
[docs] def applied_current(self): "An applied current: used as a source in the elliptic bidomain equation" return self._applied_current
[docs] def stimulus(self): "A stimulus: used as a source in the parabolic bidomain equation" return self._stimulus
[docs] def conductivities(self): """Return the intracellular and extracellular conductivities as a tuple of UFL Expressions. *Returns* (M_i, M_e) (:py:class:`tuple` of :py:class:`ufl.Expr`) """ return (self.intracellular_conductivity(), self.extracellular_conductivity())
[docs] def intracellular_conductivity(self): "The intracellular conductivity (:py:class:`ufl.Expr`)." return self._intracellular_conductivity
[docs] def extracellular_conductivity(self): "The intracellular conductivity (:py:class:`ufl.Expr`)." return self._extracellular_conductivity
[docs] def time(self): "The current time (:py:class:`dolfin.Constant` or None)." return self._time
[docs] def domain(self): "The spatial domain (:py:class:`dolfin.Mesh`)." return self._domain
[docs] def cell_models(self): "Return the cell models" return self._cell_models